
the Third Birthday Mod (6.20 + 6.35) [UPDATE: v0.2]

I spent around 3-4 hours today modding the Third Birthday theme, and I thought I would share it with you guys. I want to add that this does NOT include the extras icon, so make sure to disable the extras icon (Debug Mode). Before anything else, I need to give credit to:
    PatPat (for the CTF Tool and for the original T3B theme)
    ZiNgA BuRgA (for the RCO editor)
    Disturbed One (for finding the OSK bug)
    Me (for making this mod ;) )



    New bottom bar thingy
    Square loading icon thingy
    New battery icon
    LOTS of easter eggs (see if you can find them all)
    And probably something else that I forgot

    Fixed OSK crash by removing custom OSK plugin

Here is a picture:


And finally, the links.

Sendspace (.zip):
Mediafire (.rar):
I am pretty sure that there are no bugs (now that I have fixed the OSK one). So, enjoy and comment!


4/24/11: Easterdroid

To be into the holiday, I painted two eggs.
Left: Grunge Android in straight-jacket
Right: Bloody Grunge Android


4/23/11: My Message to Total_Noob

I posted this on Wololo.net/talk:

I saw the description TN had on his 6.38 video. So, I PMed him via Youtube:
bigfunkychiken wrote:Total_Noob: I know your work has been used without permission. I know people give you a hard time about not having an ISO loader in your HEN. But forget those people!

Many people, like my friend, are in 6.37/6.38 with a unhackable PSP. I know that he would be grateful -and I would, too- if you released this to the public. To people that need this.

Because right now, you are being just as selfish as people that dis your work.

I hope he sees my message, and I hope that it changes how he sees this. Because, for once, I don't respect what he is doing. It is extremely selfish.

Here is a link to TN's video about his 6.38 exploit.
This is what he said in the description:
When I got a new PSPgo (other one was bricked, 'cause this **** Perma-Patch), I decided to spend some time to find a new Kernel Exploit. This is the result after one week. It is not going to be released, 'cause there's no ISO-Loader integrated, so you guys are probably not content with it.

Ummm..... selfish!



This is my first post on my new blog. Thank you, Blogger. Also, I want you to check out wololo.net/talk, bigfunkychiken.deviantart.com, and QJ.net.

This blog is about me, bigfunkychiken, and my experience with technology. I own a PSP 3000 with LCFW 6.20 PRO-B5 Permanent Patch (as of now) installed and have a IBM Thinkpad T42 with a dual monitor setup. I also have a Nintendo Wii (SSBB ftw!), a PS2, and a PSX (PS1).

I'm sorry if that made your head spin. :D